Thursday, December 30, 2010

Lead By Example

I want to take a moment to focus on a subject matter for parents and children alike. More and more, I see a misrepresentation of values and principles among parents which eventually affects the behavioral choices of children. As parents, are we leading by example or are we caving in?

For instance, let’s tackle ownership. Ownership is popular when everything is favorable, but it is clearly a different story to be accountable when things are unfavorable. How often do we look within and reflect on our role in the situation? Are we fair in assessing the information? Let’s learn how to take ownership and be responsible for our actions.

Secondly, remove the excuses. In my adulthood and even in my childhood, I’ve never seen anything good come out of making excuses. Excuses exacerbate the problem of “nothing getting done”. Before fixing the mouth to say why something hasn’t occurred, think about the possibilities of what can. Find a way to be productive.

Next, be gracious and thankful for the journey. On this long and winding road, think about what you have gained or lost. Delve into the value of your experience. Did you grow? Did you develop new life skills? Get a view from every angle and be grateful.

Finally, finish appropriately! Don't place your feelings or thoughts into not finishing the task or job. Finishing is the most important part of the race. Don't quit! Endure and keep trying even when you don't like it or feel like it! Run the race till it’s finished!

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