Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The President's Educational Address Sparks Controversy?

Over the course of a week, I have been hearing negative comments publicized by our news media about President Obama's educational address to our students and youth. After listening to his presentation today, I'm still wondering what the controversy is over his speech.

What's wrong with asking the youth to take responsibility for themselves? What's wrong in letting ALL students know that they can have a better life if they choose to focus, study hard, ask questions, and participate in activities? What's wrong with letting these kids know that life is hard and challenging, but despite the obstacles, there is hope and a brighter future?

As a country, we must embrace measures that will allow our children to grow, mature, and development so that they are competitive, knowledgeable, and successful. As parents, we must be open and receptive to advice that will guide and direct the future of our children.

Personally, I was moved today in listening to President Obama's remarks. Why? Because today, some students decided to make a difference for themselves. They decided to take a firm stand like our president to do better and to be better.

Today, what is required has been spoken and noted. Thanks, Mr. President, for taking a stand and saying something that truly needed to be said! My hope is that your expressions will dig deep to penetrate the masses of this generation and the generations to come.

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