Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy New Year Tip

Congratulations! Welcome to 2013!!! Have you formalized your plans, goals, or objectives for the New Year? If you are still thinking things through, then I hope that you will consider adding a “special” word (or theme) for the year. Embrace a word that you feel should resonate with you. Examples can be Focus, Family, Finances, Fitness, Spirituality, Commitment, Loyalty, Balance, Generosity, Organization, etc. Then, strategically post or place this word in your home, office, or computer devices, or better yet, share your word with family and friends as a reminder to keep you on task.

For sure, everyone in your family can participate in this long-year process. Plus, I’m sure that your kids will get a kick out of holding you accountable. So make it challenging and fun at the same time. Use Facebook/Twitter, create a game, or find a song to electrify your word (or theme) for the year! Message me and let me know how you plan to incorporate this tip for 2013.

Here's wishing you a Happy New Year! Make it Happen!!!

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